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Reference and Links  - find satellites and planets etc. star chart - free and can login to set your location so all dates/times/locations are based on your location. - free astronomy software. Many of the planetariums use this software for their planetarium shows. You can see what is going on now, you can check out events during different dates/times and you can also set up programs with simple programming to create your own events or tours of the night sky. - free sky maps with easy targets on the back of the page/second sheet. Astronomy Games for kids! (Thank-you for the link Julia and Layla - and Girl Guides Canada for continuing with the astronomy badge) and - Royal Astronomical Society of Canada -  come check out our local astronomy meetings see what great support is available from the local clubs then consider joining as the membership is $75 but you get lots of goodies. www site is the National site the nb. site is the New Brunswick Centre of RASC. membership if you want access to more info in members area - tons of information available including discussion groups. - our Hanwell group where we do hands on observing and borrow our scopes like I mentioned at the meeting. No cost. - our UNB group where we discuss astronomy topics of interest and all skill levels. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month from Sept to June - no cancelations due to weather. No cost.
Moncton Observing club - get out and do some viewing with local astronomers and see the views through their scopes and get free advice
Live ISS feed
There is also a UNB astronomy club which operates the Physics Observatory at UNB

  Thanks to Barbara Goodspeed "wonderful kids" learning about astronomy... shared this link with us.. Thank-you! Thanks to Jack and Matthew of Kayla Russell Science Class... thank-you for sharing your interest in Astronomy!  Thanks to Sandra G and students of the  BrenhamCommunity Center - Telescopes are a great way to introduce kids of all ages to the joy of astronomy and science. With a simple telescope, a child can see mountains on the moon, discover constellations, and even view planets and moons hundreds of millions of miles away.